

Bta v FAQ


本页包括常见问题, 答案, 关于大厦, 技术, 及学术/体育V资本征款(btav). This levy will be on the ballot in February 2022 along with the Educational Programs and Operations Levy (EP&O).



如果获得批准,BTA V将在六年内筹集7.83亿美元.

  • 这将导致每1美元约47美分的税收,2023年的物业评估价值为5万元, 第一年将被收集.
  • The tax rate typically goes down in future years because the value of Seattle homes goes up.
    • 2024年的估计税率:每1000美元评估财产价值45美分
    • 预计2025年的税率:每1000美元评估财产价值44美分


现在的建筑和材料成本比2016年更高, and the amount of funding included for technology is twice as much as in the previous levy. This is also the first time that critical maintenance could be included in a capital levy.

每1元征款税率,000 of assessed value is just 4 cents more than the levy amount when voters approved BTA IV in 2016.


This is mostly because SPS distributed laptop computers to every student and teacher during the pandemic. 额外的设备不仅增加了设备的成本, 还有支持, wi-fi等基础设施, 和软件. 国家没有为技术提供太多资金, 所以资本税为SPS的技术提供了大部分资金.


BTA V如何支持该地区对清洁能源的承诺?


  • Provides $12 million for clean energy projects that will be recommended by the 清洁能源 Task Force.
  • 提供79美元.6 million to continue existing capital levy-funded work to improve energy efficiency and resource conservation in our schools.
    • LED and other highly efficient light sources with controlled use such as timers and occupancy sensors ($8.400万)
    • More energy-efficient HVAC 设备 that can be centrally monitored and controlled ($36.800万)
    • Funding for the retro-commissioning team that conducts building tune ups to ensure building systems are working as efficiently as possible ($3 million)
    • 窗户、门、屋顶和隔热层的升级或更换(31美元).400万)



  • 卫生及卫生局局长收到一份有关校舍状况的顾问报告
  • 顾问还会进行成本估算
  • 根据条件得分,SPS为每个项目分配优先级
  • 使用BTA V的董事会政策和董事会指导原则来细化列表, 其中包括使用公平的视角
  • 根据指导原则确定技术需求, SPS技术计划, and requirements prioritized in partnership with the Information 技术 Advisory Committee (ITAC).
  • 向买正规足球比赛的app提出的建议-第一优先项目


为什么在BTA V中没有任何学校的翻新或更换?

BTA的征税重点是小型装修, 主要维护, 而校舍改善工程则为校舍部分征收.

SPS还有另一项资本税, 卓越建筑奖(BEX), 这包括对学校进行重大翻新和更换. 下一项BEX税预计将于2025年进行投票.


这些是组成 楼宇调校小组. They regularly test and fix (or make sure a specialist fixes) all 设备 and systems in SPS schools to ensure they are running efficiently.

What are those other items that are included in BTA V Buildings section that aren’t specific projects?

These are other costs and projects that are allowed to be funded by capital levies.


  • 设施维修设备,供教职员维修学校使用
  • 场地设备,供场地工作人员维护校园场地使用
  • Food service 设备 for culinary services staff to use in preparing and serving student meals
  • 建筑和现场安全设备包括报警器, 击剑, 相机, 以及其他安全工具
  • Electrification of vehicle fleet will help cover costs to move SPS’s district trucks, 货车, and cars to electric vehicles including installing the charging stations needed for those types of vehicles
  • Short and intermediate capacity/portable management pays for costs associated with moving or adding portables when schools need more classroom space
  • 搬迁/BEX VI征费规划费用:
    • Move costs include paying to move school communities to interim sites and back during construction, to move 设备 and materials from classrooms in preparation for construction work, 然后再回来, and for unpacking and setting up new classroom and school fixtures and furniture.
    • 征费规划费用包括对建筑物状况的研究, 总体规划, 建设项目的成本估算, SEPA程序, 负责信息开发和沟通, and all other costs associated with planning a levy and placing it on the ballot.


  • 维修学校及其他设施所需的人员及材料.


  • 涵盖地区资本计划的运作费用, 包括支付员工工资和提供福利.


  • The last payment on the purchase and renovation of the 约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心.



是的. SPS拥有并经营这个体育场.


  • The grandstands were built more than 70 years ago — replacements are needed so the stadium can continue to be used for high school athletics, 为毕业典礼, 由社区. 
  • 建筑系统(基础), 屋顶, 墙, 窗户, 门, 电, 采暖通风, 照明)状况不理想或较差.
  • Seismic upgrades needed to improve earthquake safety will likely require demolition and replacement of stands

Why do you need to do the other work that is included in the levy for 纪念体育场?

  • The synthetic turf field needs replacement (end-of-life on normal replacement schedule) to keep it usable by our high school athletic teams
  • 现场照明升级将提供更节能的照明, 减少场外灯光影响, 更好的照明控制


  • 纪念体育场 has not been designated at landmark by the Seattle Landmarks Board. SPS nominates all district buildings older than 25 years to be considered for landmark status when a project begins.


  • 纪念墙将被保留.

How does the agreement between the City of Seattle and SPS fit in with replacement of 纪念体育场?

  • 作为体育场的主人, SPS is planning replacement if voters approve the BTA V capital levy in February 2022. The replacement would be a stadium that is similar to stadiums at other school districts and would continue to meet SPS needs for athletics and district events.
  • 意向书的意思是,如果BTA V税被选民批准, the City may partner with us to provide a venue that can be used for other purposes when SPS isn’t using it. SPS将继续拥有体育场.



资本税支付了该地区技术部门85%的预算, 包括软件和许可证, 设备, 人员配备, 技术基础设施.

  • 学生学习和支持: 比如学生和老师的电脑, 教室视听设备, 数字资产支持
  • 基础设施: 包括网络安全, 数据中心, 包括学校wi-fi在内的网络, 安全, 以及电话设备和服务.
  • 区系统:包括设备, 软件, 以及会计等系统的许可证, 人力资源, 项目管理, 以及学生/家长工具,如PowerSchool和The Source.

The levy also includes funding for technology professional development for teachers and staff.



These are funds set aside for changes that might need to be made to school buildings to meet the needs of a student receiving special education services. Program placement dollars are used if building modifications need to be made for a change in school programs. 


科学包括增加或升级科学教室/科学实验室. 艺术项目包括舞台艺术设备,如索具, 照明, and curtains; band or choir room acoustical treatments; and replacing kilns.

Will improvements to school sites and playgrounds include adding more green areas?

我们意识到绿地对教育项目有积极的影响. 游乐场的升级周期为15年. 当我们评估它们时,我们会寻找可以去除沥青的区域.

  • 清除沥青有助于减少我们的雨水成本.
  • 减少沥青和提供更多的植被将有助于减少热岛.

田径场下的500万是什么 & 现场外灯 & 林肯高中的设备?

The funding is for development of an athletic field for use by 林肯 高中. SPS正在探索开发运动场的所有选择, including the purchase of property near 林肯 高中 for use as an athletic field. While SPS has had some early conversations with Seattle Parks and 娱乐 about options, 没有人提出利用城市公园的建议.

Can you convert Wallingford Park into an artificial turf athletic field for 林肯 高中 and 汉密尔顿国际 中学?

没有人提议改造沃林福德公园. The park property is owned by the city of Seattle and is operated by Seattle Parks & 娱乐.

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